Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Afterschool Special

The kids have been occupied with all their extracurricular activities lately and getting together with friends from school have taken a backseat. Finally, on Monday, Cooper and Quinn had their friends Howie and Jack come over. Quinn has known Howie since preschool and he also in her class now.She has been to his house to play so she was so excited to have him come see where she lives. We went to the park and they did art and played outside. Jack and Cooper were all about art and Legos. A fun night!


Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Awe! So fun to play with friends! Forgot to mention that you went to BUNCO!!! How fun! That was Leah right? She looks different...;) Glad you had a great time!

Sonya said...

Yep, they do every other month..Some live in the same neighborhood and quite a few don't. A little more rambunctious than other bunco groups...a lot of fun and I won $$$. One of my friends from the gym didn't recognize me all gussied up... We all joke how different we look all dressed up!

Together We Save said...

Looks like everyone was having a great time!!