Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Time For Change

We are back in school. We had a wonderful summer but I am happy that fall is here. Love having the windows open, cool nights, fall activities.The first week of school went by quickly. How do I have a third and first grader??? Crazy how fast it goes. The kids are excited to see all their friends. Cooper has real hard cover text books, an assignment planner and..more homework. Quinn is going to have spelling tests this year and more homework than kindergarten. I am keeping busy by doing house chores and errands, catching up with friends, scheduling all those mundane appointments that I put off all summer and taxiing kids to piano, football, soccer, and dance. I thought I would be bored when the kids were in school..Nope, the time flies by. I also kick started the fitness routine after being lax all summer. Boot camp, weights, cycling and running...I am sooo sore..but I feel so much better. Oh, and trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Now that the kids are in school I might want to do something part time..maybe I need to take a career test...hmmm......

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