Friday, May 21, 2010

Call of the Wild

Seriously, I feel like I was in the jungle all day. Quinn had her kindergarten field trip to the Minnesota Zoo. Had a great time on the bus ride visiting with all the moms and a few dads. Once there, we ended up traipsing around the zoo with some of Quinn's pals. There were arguements on trying to let everybody in the space to see the animals ("they won't let me in"), tears over who was bossing who, running way far ahead of the parents so we had to split up to find them.. a wee bit different from when I went with Cooper two years ago. I guess girls are a little bit high maitenence. Cool things we saw..the grizzly bears feeding time..we were front row! the sea horses and sea dragons, sharks, and Quinn's school zoo project animal..the puma. I think the girls favorite though was the fossil playground;it's where we(the parents) finally got to sit and catch our breath.... and finish a sentence. We missed alot due to time. Look foward to taking C and Q this check out all the rest. Quinn was worn out she fell asleep in my arms on the bus ride back.. that was my favorite part as that doesn't happen as often anymore.

1 comment:

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Awe....that looks soo fun! I did the Como wish it would have been the Minnesota Zoo!!! Love all the girls!!! ;)