Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Serious Spring Fever

We have had serious spring fever. The weather has been beautiful. The kids have been playing in the backyard alot.Ron and I have been enjoying the warmth and sunshine too.I'm itching to start planting flowers but know it's not time. Cooper and his bud Jaxon have been playing tons of backyard baseball. Quinn and Coop have also been playing soccer. Which has been consuming our life lately. Quinn is playing in the recreation league and Cooper is in travelling soccer. Which means multiple games on weekends and lots of practices for Cooper.Been busy but fun.
I actually scrapbooked all day on a Sunday.I think we got more talking done than scrapping but was nice to work on photos from a year ago. I also bought a digital software program so maybe I'll get caught up faster...that's my hope anyway.
Ron took the kids golfing while I was scrapbooking.
My friend and I went and ran around Lake Calhoun and then I put all those calories back on by having lunch outside at French Meadow bakery. Lovely to sit outside though.
Excited to see Quinnie dance tonight at dance class. We get to tape them so we can practice at home. She has so much fun and seems to really like her teachers.Excited to see her costumes soon too.The recital is just around the corner.
We have a busy weekend coming up...more soccer games and Cooper's First Communion.

1 comment:

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Too Cute! I love that Mason had hair in that picture! I am missing it really bad ;) Mason said today that he can't see Quinny until his hair grows back...LOL